View States


Effectively handling the current view states ensures a seamless user experience.

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In modern app development, it's crucial to consider the various states that views can be in, and how to effectively communicate these states to the user. Not all views load immediately and may fail or have an empty state. Therefore, developers need to handle these view states effectively to ensure a seamless user experience.

Importance of Handling View State Variants

Flipping between the various view states is important for the user experience so they are aware of their current state. By providing clear feedback on what is happening within the app, users can better understand and navigate through the application. This enhances usability and reduces user frustration, ultimately leading to higher user satisfaction.

Typical View State Variants

  • Main State: This is the default state where everything is functioning as expected, and the user is presented with the relevant data or interface.

  • Loading or Skeleton UI State: This state is displayed when the application is in the process of fetching data. It provides users with visual feedback that a process is underway.

  • Empty State: In situations where there is no data to present, the application enters the empty state, indicating to the user that there is no information to display.

  • Not Found State: When a particular record or data is not found, the application switches to this state, alerting the user to the absence of the requested information.

  • Failed State: In cases where the data retrieval process encounters an error or failure, the application enters the failed state, signifying the inability to fetch the required data.

*Checkout Basic View components for examples to handle these views.

Demonstrating View State Components

The management of view state components is instrumental in handling the diverse state variants encountered within an application. By effectively handling view variants, developers can ensure a smooth and intuitive user experience, regardless of the challenges in data retrieval and user interaction.


The careful handling of view states in app development greatly affects the user experience. By comprehensively understanding and effectively handling the various view state variants, developers can create applications that seamlessly adapt to user interactions and data fetching processes, ultimately enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

Variant States

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